Anne Davidson
Contact Informations
Phone : +33 1 44 27 58 75
Function and attachment
Assistant Professor / UPMC
1989 : LRS
Significant Publications
[1]“Nanocasting”: using SBA-15 silicas as hard templates to obtain monodispersed superparamagnetic gamma-Fe2O3 nanoparticles E. Delahaye, V. Escax, N. El Hassan, A. Davidson,R. Aquino, V. Dupuis, R. Perzynski, Y. L. RaikherJ. Phys. Chem. B, 110, 26001-26011 (2006).
[2] Dispersion of Co3O4 nanoparticles within SBA-15 using alkane solvents J. van der Meer, I. Bardez, F. Bart, P.A. Albouy, G. Wallez, A. Davidson, Microp. Mesop. Mat. 118 (1-3), 183-188 (2009).
[3] Identification and location of iron species in Fe/SBA-15 catalysts: interest for catalytic Fenton reactionsC. Cornu, J.L. Bonnardet, S. Casale, A. Davidson, S. Abramson, G. André, F. Porcher, I. Gric, V. Tomasic, D. Vujevic, N. Koprivanac, J. Phys. Chem. C, 116, 3437-3448, (2012).
[4] Quantum-dots containing Fe/SBA-15 silica as “green” catalysts for the selective photocatalytic oxidation of alcohol (methanol, under visible light) N.Tabaja, S. Casale, D. Brouri, A. Davidson, H. Obeid, J. Toufaily, T. Hamieh Comptes Rendus Chimie, 18 (3) 358-367 (2015) GECAT, Advances and Prospects in Heterogeneous Catalysis, Cluny, 12-15 Mai (2014).
[5] Ordered mesoporous “one-pot” synthesized Ni-Mg(Ca)-Al2O3 as effective and remarkably stable catalysts for combined steam and dry reforming of methane (CSDRM), K. Jabbour, P. Massiani, A. Davidson, N. El Hassan, Appl. Catalysis B, 201, 527-532 (2016).
Awards and Distinctions
1994 : Bourse NATO
2001-2005 : Prime d'encadrement doctoral et de recherche
Clubs, learned societies and associations