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Guylène Costentin



Heterogeneous catalysis : identification of the active sites, structure-reactivity relationships, acid-base and redox catalysis. valorization of alcohols: selective oxidation, C-C formation, Guerbet valorization of light alkanes : oxidative dehydrogneation alkaline eart oxides, hydrotalictes, zinc oxide, hydroxyapatites in situ (photoluminescence, EPR, adsorption of probe molecules follwed by IR, solid state NMR) and operando (DRIFT, Raman) characterizations.


  • Photoluminescence
  • ESR (Electron Spin Resonance)
  • Molecule adsoprution followed by IR

Contact Informations

Phone : +33 1 44 27 36 32
Mail(s) : guylene.costentin@upmc.fr

Function and attachment

CNRS Senior Researcher


Significants publications
  1. Identification of Surface Basic Sites and Acid-Base Pairs of Hydroxyapatite S.Diallo-Garcia, M.Ben Osman, J.M. Krafft, S. Casale, C.Thomas, J. Kubo, G. Costentin J. Phys. Chem. C 118(24), 12744-12757, (2014)
  2. Discrimination of surface and bulk structure of crystalline hydroxyapatite nanoparticles by NMR M. Ben Osman, S. Diallo-Garcia, V. Herledan, D. Brouri, T. Yoshioka, J. Kubo, Y. Millot, G.Costentin J. Phys. Chem. C, 119, 23008-23020, (2015)
  3. Molecular Understanding of the Bulk Composition of Crystalline Nonstoichiometric Hydroxyapatites: Application to the Rationalization of Structure–Reactivity Relationships M. Ben Osman, J.M. Krafft, Y. Millot, F. Averseng, T. Yoshioka, J. Kubo, G. Costentin, Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. 2016(17), 2709-2720, (2016)
  4. Control of calcium accessibility over hydroxyapatite by post precipitation steps: influence on the catalytic reactivity toward alcohols. M. Ben Osman, S. Diallo Garcia, J.M. Krafft, C. Méthivier, J. Blanchard, T. Yoshioka, J. Kubo, G. Costentin Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys, 2016, 18, 27837 – 27847
  5. Incorporation of Vanadium in the Framework of Hydroxyapatites: Importance of the Vanadium Content and pH Conditions during the Precipitation Step. S. Petit, T. Gode, C. Thomas, S. Dzwigaj, Y. Millot, D. Brouri, J.M. Krafft, G. Rousse, C. Laberty-Robert, G. Costentin Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2017, 19, 9630 - 9640

Awards and Distinctions

2004 : DivCat Award


Workplace first aider


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