Vincent Humblot
1) Surface functionalization with relevant biological molecules from Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) to the liquid phase
2) Surface Chirality and chiral recognition - chiral molecules on non-chiral surfaces - chiral molecules on chiral surfaces
3) Engineering of antimicrobial surfaces -Self-Assembled Monolayers (SAMs) -Covalent grafting of AntiMicrobial Peptides (AMPs)
4) In vitro Microbiology tests
InfraRed Spectroscopies (FT-IR, IRRAS, PM-IRRAS, ATR, GA-ATR); X-Ray Photoemission Spectroscopy (XPS); Scanning Probes Microscopies (STM, AFM); Quartz Crystal Microbalance (QCM, QCM-D); Contact Angle measurements (WCA)
Master: Biomaterials, biofilms - Surface reactivity in biological media - Surface characterization techniques
Contact Informations
Phone : +33 1 44 27 36 25
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Associate Professor
2013 : Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR) ; Université Pierre et Marie Curie « Du contrôle des couches auto-assemblées à la reconnaissance chirale »
2001 : Doctorat (Ph.D. in Chemistry) de l’Université de Liverpool, United Kingdom, spécialité Science des Surfaces Leverhulme Centre for Innovative Catalysis, thèse dirigée par Mme R. Raval (Professeur de l’Université de Liverpool) « Complexities and dynamics of the enantioselective site in heterogeneous catalysis: Tartaric acid on Ni(110) ».
1997 : D.E.A. en Chimie-Physique des Interfaces, Université de Franche-Comté, Besançon. DEA dirigé par MM. Alain Chambaudet, Manuel Grivet et Michel Rebetez (Professeurs de l’Université de Franche-Comté) « Apport de la microscopie champ proche à l’étude de la révélation des traces d’ions lourds dans l’apatite »
Selected publications
- V. Humblot, J.-F. Yala, P. Thébault, K. Boukerma, A. Héquet, J.-M. Berjeaud, C.-M. Pradier. The Antibacterial Activity of MAGAININ I Immobilized onto Mixed Thiols Self Assembled Monolayers. Biomaterials 2009, 30 (21), 3503-3512.
- S. Haq, N. Liu, V. Humblot, A.P.J. Jansen, R. Raval. Drastic Symmetry Breaking in Supramolecular Organisation of Enantiomerically Unbalanced Monolayers at Surfaces. Nature Chemistry 2009, 1 (5), 409-414.
- A. Vallée, V. Humblot, C.-M. Pradier. Peptide Interactions with Metal and Oxides Surfaces. Accounts of Chemical Research 2010, 43 (10), 1297-1306.
- A. Naitabdi, V. Humblot. Chiral Self-Assemblies of Amino-Acid Molecules: D- & L-Methionine on Au(111) Surface. Applied Physics Letters 2010, 97 (22), 223112.
- K. Glinel, P. Thébault, V. Humblot, C.-M. Pradier, T. Jouenne. Antibacterial Surfaces Developed from Bio-inspired Approaches. Acta Biomaterialia 2012, 8 (5), 1670-1684.
- V. Humblot, A. Vallée, A. Naitabdi, F. Tielens, C.-M. Pradier. Drastic Au(111) Surface Reconstruction upon Insulin Growth Factor Tripeptide Adsorption. Journal of the American Chemical Society 2012, 134 (15), 6579-6583.
- V. Humblot, C.-M. Pradier. Chiral Recognition of L-Gramicidine on Chiraly Methionine-Modified Au(111). Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2013, 4 (11), 1816-1820.
- A. Lombana, Z. Raja, S. Casale, C.-M. Pradier, T. Foulon, A. Ladram, V. Humblot. Temporin-Sha Peptides Grafted on Gold Surfaces Display Antibacterial Activity. Journal of Peptide Science 2014,20, 563-569.
- C. Valotteau, C. Calers, S. Casale, J. Berton , C.V. Stevens, F. Babonneau, C.-M. Pradier, V. Humblot, N. Baccile. Biocidal Properties of a Glycosylated Surface: Sophorolipids on Au(111). ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 2015, 7 (32), 18086-18095.
- C. Pinese, S. Jebors, E. Jumas Bilak, X. Garric, V. Humblot, C. Calers, J. Martinez, A. Mehdi, G. Subra Simple and specific grafting of antibacterial peptides on silicone catheters. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2016, 5, 3067-3073.
- C. Méthivier, H. Cruguel, D. Costa, C.-M. Pradier, V.Humblot. Tuning Surface Chirality of Adsorbed Gly-Pro Dipeptide/Cu(110) by Changing its Chemical Form via Electrospray Deposition. Langmuir, 2016, 32 (51), 13759–13763.
- C. Méthivier, H. Cruguel, C.-M. Pradier, V. Humblot. Supramolecular chiral self-assemblies of Gly-Pro dipeptides on metallic fcc(110) surfaces. Faraday Discussions, 2017, 204, 69-81DOI: 10.1039/c7fd00116a.
- L-Aspartic Acid on Cu(110): the subtle equilibrium between intermolecular and molecule-substrate interactionsR. Totani, C. Méthivier, H. Cruguel, C.-M. Pradier, V. Humblot Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 121(29), 15842-15850