Jean-Marc Krafft
Domaine d’expertise
Spectroscopies vibrationnelles et électroniques (Infrarouge, Raman, Photoluminescence)
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Fonction et rattachement
Directeur adjoint du LRS
Ingénieur de Recherche / CNRS
Assistant de Prévention
Au LRS depuis 1998
Articles récents :
- Importance of the Nature of the Active Acid/Base Pairs of Hydroxyapatite Involved in the Catalytic Transformation of Ethanol to n-Butanol Revealed by Operando DRIFTS -Ben Osman, M; Krafft, JM; Thomas, C; Yoshioka, T; Kubo, J; Costentin, G - ChemCatChem, Volume11, Issue 6, Pages 1765-1778, 2019
- Defect-related multicolour emissions in ZnO smoke: from violet, over green to yellow - Zhang, M; Averseng, F; Haque, F; Borghetti, P; Krafft, JM; Baptiste, B; Costentin, G; Stankic, S - Nanoscale, Volume 11, Issue 11, Pages 5102-5115, 2019
- Role of Water on the activity of Magnesium Silicate for Transesterification Reactions - L. Lin, D. Cornu, M.M. daou, C. Domingos, V. Herledan, J-M. Krafft, G. Laugel, Y. Millot, H. Lauron-Pernot - ChemCatChem, Volume 9, Issue 12, 2399-2407, 2017
- Influence of the nature and environment of manganese in Mn-BEA zeolites on NO conversion in selective catalytic reduction with ammonia - R. Baran,; L. Valentin, ; J-M. Krafft, ; T. Grzybek, ;P. Glatzel, ; S. Dzwigaj - Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics Volume: 21 Pages: 13553-13561, 2017
- Influence of acid-base properties of Mg-based catalysts on transesterification: role of magnesium silicate hydrate formation - D. Cornu, LF. Lin, MM. Daou, M. Jaber, J-M. Krafft, V. Herledan, G. Laugel, Y. Millot, H. Lauron-Pernot - Catalysis Science & Technology, 7, 8 , 1701-1712 , 2017