PhD defense Mathieu Nicolas

Brilliant defense Mathieu, congratulations!
Also in the section
- Cover in ACS Sensors
- Cover Biosensors
- Article in Nanomaterials
- AuNRs
- Anis arrival
- OrNano-YouTube
- Review in Biosensors & Bioelectronics
- Webinar SCT
- Insplorion - User Meeting
- JSE 2020 - French Electron Spectroscopy Workshop
- Sunny
- Mona arrival
- CNano-SFNano Joint Congress 2019 - Dijon
- Article in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces
- Mederic Thesis Defense
- Article in Talanta
- Article in Nanoscale Advanced
- Cover for ACS Appl. Nano Mater.
- Nice gathering
- Alexis is leaving !
- Bruno and Raphael defense
- Souhir : Invited Lecture
- Article in biosensors
- Yacine Mazouzi, price
- BioSurf 2019
- Atul Parikh
- Cover for J Phys Chem C
- Mathieu Nicolas has joined us
- Bruno & Raphael
- Insplorion
- Ceremony for Master diploma
- Lu : PhD defense
- Fadoua's arrival
- Photoniques
- Daoming arrival
- Mathieu's paper in Journal of the Optical Society of America
- Somia Tomane - Thesis Defense
- Walid's arrival
- Valentin's arrival
- David Hu - Thesis defense
- Vincent Pellas - Thesis Defense
- Paper in ACS ANM
- Paper in ACS Sensors
- Yacine Mazouzi Thesis defense
- Issue-cover selected
- Review in Antibiotics
- IEEE Sensors Council France
- IEEE Sensors
- ACS Sensors
- Sara Martinez Concheso
- PEP21 school