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our latest news & our latest NanoBioSurf group's photo (2022)!


    • Our new paper in ACS Sensors is published

      Our paper: Design and Analytical Performances of a Diclofenac Biosensor for Water Resources Monitoring by Yacine Mazouzi, Antoine Miche, Alexis Loiseau, Bruno Beito, Christophe Méthivier, Dietmar Knopp, Michèle Salmain*, and Souhir Boujday*
      is now published in ACS Sensors, congrats Yacine!

    • our recent paper in ACS ANM

      How to tailor the thickness and porosity of the silica shell by tuning the pH


    • Vincent Pellas - Thesis Defense

      Congratulations to Vincent for his PhD defense and his work on the "Synthesis and characterization silica coated gold nanorods Au@SiO2 for biomedical applications ", performed under the supervision of Souhir Boujday & Michèle Salmain.

    • David Hu - Thesis defense

      Congratulations to David for his PhD defense and for his incredible work on Nanocomposites Photocatalysts UCNP@SiO2@ZnO, active under NIR light for wastewater treatment", performed under the supervision of Juliette Blanchard and Souhir Boujday. 

    • Valentin's arrival

      Warm welcome to Valentin for his 3 months Master 1 internship on the "Adsorption of thiolate molecules on gold surfaces" under the supervision of Souhir Boujday and Yacine Mazouzi. 

    • Thesis Defense - Somia Tomane

      Congratulations to Somia Tomane for her thesis defense and for her work on the "Synthesis and characterization of polyoxometallate/mettalic nanoparticles composites for biomedical applications", a work performed in the Institut Lavoisier de Versailles and within our group, under the supervision of Pierre Mialane, Anne Dolbecq, Anne Vallée and Souhir Boujday. 

    • Mathieu's paper in JOSA B

      Congrats Mathieu who got his first paper published in JOSA B

    • Article in Photoniques

      open access in Photoniques

    • Walid's arrival

      Design par impression 3D d'une cellule microfluidique pour la bio détection rapide des cibles pathogènes

    • Zihua's arrival

      Zihua is joining us to start her PhD on "Plasmonic nanoparticles for biosensing and therapy" in collaboration with the Chembio team of the IPCM laboratory. 

    • Daoming's arrival

      Warm welcome to Daoming who is starting his PhD. on " Tunable Plasmonic Substrates for LSPR Biosensing" in the NanoBioSurf group. 

    • Title story on the front page of Biosensors

      Our review on gold nanorods title story on the front page of Biosensors

    • Fadoua arrival in the lab

      Dr. Fadoua Sallem is joining our group for one year for a post-doctoral position dealing with "Sensing and profiling extracellular vesicles related to neurodegenerative diseases" in collaboration with Brain C-lab (INSERM). 

    • Article in Nanomaterials

      Our work " Nanostructured and Spiky Gold Shell Growth on Magnetic Particles for SERS Applications ", is now published in Nanomaterials

      link: https://doi.org/10.3390/nano10112136

    • Literature review on Gold Nanorods in Biosensors

      Check our up-to-date overview of gold nanorods in LSPR biosensing. We start from synthesis and coating with a silica shell of controlled thickness and porosity, then, we discuss surface functionalization to attach various bioreceptors and finally, we review AuNR-based LSPR biosensors and their analytical performances.

    • New Arrival - Anis Ben Ameur

      Anis is joining our group for 4 months and he will be working on the " Synthesis and characterization of hybrid plasmonic nanoparticles for targeted gene therapy" in collaboration with Bruno Palpant (ENS Paris Saclay)

    • Or-Nano You-Tube conferences

      A compact 20 min Conference on the couple Antibody/Gold Nanoparticles in the framework of "les conférences digitales Or-Nano", Nice exercice!
      Thanks to the Gdr Or-Nano for the invitation and the sharing ;)
      Below the abstract and the link to the conference


    • Literature review in Biosensors & Bioelectronics on AuNP-Ab Bioconjugates

      How to attach an antibody to AuNP? What strategies and what efficiency? How many Ab can one AuNP accomodate?
      Find some answers to these questions in our literature Review just accepted in Biosensors & Biolectronics tackling Antibody-Gold nanoparticle Bioconjugates for Biosensors applications

    • Webinar at the Tunisian Chemical Society

      Facing the confinement during COVID19 pandemic crisis most conferences switched to webinar, below a link to watch the invited conference on plasmonic nanoparticles for optical Biosensing (in French!)

    • French Electron Spectroscopy Workshop

      During the 2020 edition of the JSE, Yacine presented one of his Ph.D. projects entitled: " Contribution of X-ray Photoelectron spectroscopy for surface functionalization: functional thiols adsorption on gold".
      The third edition of the French Electron Spectroscopy Workshop (JSE) was held in Paris on January 21st-22nd, 2020. Organized by the French Vacuum Society, once again the workshop was in close...

    • Insplorion - User Meeting

      Insplorion organized its first ever Research Instruments User Meeting in January 2020. We were thrilled to welcome such an event in Sorbonne University. Customers and collaborators from six institutes around the world were invited to two days of workshops, presentations and networking. Scientific presentations were spot-on and led to fruitful discussions throughout the whole event.
      Topics of the presentations...

    • Sunny

      SunYoung Hur
      Sunny, PhD student in cotutelle with NTU Singapore, has joined our group for a year. Warm welcome!

    • Mona

      Mona SOroush
      Mona Soroush, PhD student from Teheran University has joined our group. Warm welcome!

    • CNano-SFNano Joint Congress 2019 - Dijon

      For the first time, the French Nanomedicine Society, SFNano, and the French national Competency Cluster in Nanoscience of CNRS, C'Nano, organize their annual meetings together.

    • ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces

      Our work "Core−Shell Gold/Silver Nanoparticles for Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance-Based Naked-Eye Toxin Biosensing" by Alexis, Lu, David, Yacine, Raphael, Michèle, Bo & Souhir, is now published in ACS AMI

    • Mederic Thesis Defense

      Mederic Lequeux's thesis defense took place on the 29th of November 2019, in Paris 13 University in Bobigny. 

      During the last three years, Mederic worked on the biodection of small analytes using plasmonic resonant structures and coupling SERS and QCM-D transduction techniques.  

    • Article in Talanta

      Talanta - Volume 204, 1 November 2019, Pages 875-881

    • Somia had her first paper !

      Somia had her first paper published in Nanoscale Advanced, great job!

    • Cover in ACS Appl. Nano Mater.

      Lu’s work on naked eye detection of toxin selected for a cover in ACS Applied Nano Materials

    • Nice gathering !

      Nice gathering before summer break!

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