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NanoMaterials & Surfaces @ BioInterfaces

    Souhir Boujday


    Research area

     Biosensors, nanomedicine, molecular recognition at the solid/liquid Interface, surface functionalization and characterization, Self Assembled Monolayers, Protein adsorption and reactivity, metallic nanoparticles synthesis and grafting on surfaces, chemical nanostructuration of surfaces, Heterogeneous catalysts preparation.

    Techniques : QCM-D - LSPR - IR (PM-IRRAS, ATR, DRIFT) – XPS – Raman – SERS – AFM - MEB/MET

    L’UTES SG-TICE: The use of educational technologies in science (www.lutes.upmc.fr)

    Framed workshops, correction on numeric board, video lessons, workshops sheets and development of new teaching tools

    "Crystal structures" (www.edu.upmc.fr/chimie/empilements_compacts/)

    "Device Revising, Catching, Succeeding" D3R (www.edu.upmc.fr/D3R)

    Bachelor degree: Concepts of general chemistry, periodic table, atomic structure, molecules, chemical bonding, molecular structure and intermolecular forces, kinetics, the states of matter and the solid state. Molecular Inorganic Chemistry: coordination chemistry, synthesis strategies and solid state chemistry.

    Master: Inorganic materials synthesis and reactivity - Catalysis and Catalysts - transition metal complexes interaction with oxide surface - Biomaterials, Biofilms, Biosensors, Reactivity of surfaces in biological media. Surface characterization techniques. Metallic nanoparticles synthesis and reactivity (http://www.master.chimie.upmc.fr/fr/02_M1/02-M1S2/CONTENU/MU4CI703.php)

    Contact Informations

    Phone : +33 1 44 27 60 01
    Mail(s) : souhir.boujday@upmc.fr

    Function and attachment

    Professor / Sorbonne University


    Professional service and responsibilities

    • 2022-present: Chair of the school of Chemistry at Sorbonne University UFR926. http://chimie.sorbonne-universite.fr
    • 2018-present: Founder and responsible of the joint doctoral program Sorbonne-NTU, Singapore.
    • 2014-present: Responsible of the teaching unit Materials and surfaces at the BioInterfaces, 5CI013.
    • 2015-2016: Special adviser and official representative of UPMC-SU at NTU, Singapore.
    • 2014-present: Responsible of the teaching unit Materials, surfaces and interfaces, 4CI703.
    • 2012-2022: member of the expert committee of Section 32 at UPMC.
    • 2012-2014: co-founder and co-director of the online revision system, revise, catch, and succeed (D3R).
    • 2009-2013: Member of the Commission for the allocation of the teachings for the Faculty of Chemistry (926).
    • 2009-2013: Coordinator of the teaching unit "Advanced Materials" MC761
    • 2008-2013: Correspondent for UTES in charge of online teaching for the Faculty of Chemistry (926).
    • 2008-2013: Responsible of the disciplinary tutoring L1 for the Faculty of Chemistry (926).
    • 2008–2013: Elected member of the Council of Surface Reactivity Laboratory (UMR 7197)
    • 2006–2008: Elected member of the Council of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry
    • 2004–2010: Section coordinator in the teaching unit LC101, Introduction to chemistry


    2018- : Professor, Sorbonne University (ex UPMC University Pierre & Marie Curie) , Paris

    2004-2018: Associate Professor, UPMC University Pierre & Marie Curie, Paris.

    2014-2016: Visiting Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

    2003-2004: Assistant Professor, Parisian Institute of Molecular Chemistry. CNRS-UMR 7071, UPMC. Research area: Metallic nanoparticles stabilization by polyoxometalates, mesoporous silica, catalytic hydrogenation reactions.

    2002-2003: Post-doctorate, LIMHP, CNRS-UPR 1311, France, in collaboration with Rhodia / Lapeyre / Arch-Coating / Hahn Meitner Institut (Berlin, Germany). Research area: Photocatalysis, Titanium dioxide, sol-gel synthesis, time resolved microwave conductivity.

    1998-2002: Doctorate Material Chemistry, University Pierre & Marie Curie (UPMC-Paris), Lab. Surface Reactivity, UMR UPMC-CNRS 7609. Supervisor: Prof. Michel Che. Research area: Silica surface, transition metal complexes adsorption, catalysts preparation and characterization, molecular recognition.

    Awards and Distinctions

    • 2014-present: Research investment premium, UPMC-SU, Paris.
    • July – October 2014: Tan Chin Tuan award, exchange fellowship in Engineering, NTU, Singapore.
    • 2010-2014: Educational investment premium, UPMC-SU, Paris.
    • 2009-2013: Ph.D. and Research Supervising Bonus, UPMC-SU, Paris.


    • CNRS School "Surface functionalization and detection methods for Biosensors". February 7-12 (2010), Les Houches, France. Scientific and organization committee.
    • Workshop on "Gold nanoparticles and Biosensors" GDR Or-Nano, October 18, (2011) UPMC, Paris.
    • CNRS School "Functional nanoparticles, synthesis and biomedical applications (detection, drug delivery, imaging)". September 24- October 4 (2013), Porquerolles, France, Scientific and organization committee.
    • Joint workshops between Nanyang Technological University (Singapore) & UPMC-Sorbonne Universities (Paris) CMI and CPE, Chemistry of Material and Interfaces and Chemistry, Physics and Energy @ NTU&UPMC, September 28-30 (2015) UPMC, Paris.

    French and foreign diplomas

    PhD in Material Science, UPMC 2002:

     Interfacial molecular recognition phenomena occurring during the interaction of nickel (II) and platinum (IV) complexes with silica surface during the first stages of heterogeneous catalysts preparation.

     Habilitation to research supervision, UPMC 2012:

     NanoArchitectures and molecular recognition at the solid/liquid Interface.


    Traductions :

      NanoSurf : NanoMaterials & Surfaces @ BioInterfaces