Cover - The Journal of Physical Chemistry C

STEM elemental mapping reveals that pH-triggered reduction of silver ions occurs on the inner walls of porous gold nanoshell (AuNS) particles. The reduction initially relies on sacrificial silver ions released into the surrounding bath during galvanic replacement. The reduction proceeds upon the external addition of silver ions until a solid silver core is formed inside the AuNS particles. Subsequent reduction takes place on the external surface of the solidified AuNS particle, resulting in a layered and compositionally complex nanoparticle.
Egalement dans la rubrique
- Prix "GDR B2i BioIngénierie des Interfaces"
- Journées CNRS de formation à la culture scientifique en chimie
- Ricardo Garcia de Castro, Prix Workshop Ifpen
- Insplorion
- Christophe Méthivier, médaille de Cristal 2016 CNRS
- Prix de thèse EFCATS
- Projet FormInnov SU-NTU
- HOT Article
- Conférence tous public / Les mardis de la chimie 04 juin 2019
- Le LRS est présent dans The Conversation