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accès rapides, services personnalisés
Laboratoire de Réactivité de Surface
UMR 7197 Sorbonne Université-CNRS


Insplorion sells an XNano system with an Acoulyte ad-on to Professor Souhir Boujday at LRS, Sorbonne University in Paris, which becomes an Insplorion Reference Center.

Professor Souhir Boujday at Laboratoire de Réactivité de Surface (LRS), Sorbonne University, has experience from Insplorion’s XNano since her time at NTU, Singapore, a reference center for Insplorion. This is the first sale for Insplorion in France and Professor Souhir Boujday and her group will serve as a reference center for the French market. The order value is almost 0.5 Mkr after reference center discount has been applied.


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