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accès rapides, services personnalisés
Laboratoire de Réactivité de Surface
UMR 7197 Sorbonne Université-CNRS


Télécharger le fichier «Flyer.pdf» (1.8 MB)


The  CatPrep Summer School wishes to  provide  a  general  framework  for addressing the  fundamental  and  applied  concepts  of catalyst preparation.

It will give a comprehensive overview of the fundamental knowledge required for the controlled elaboration of heterogeneous catalytic materials and will present the industrial requirements for large-scale synthesis.

The main objective is to provide a common conceptual framework to the scientific community working in the field of heterogeneous catalysts preparation.

One of the most distinctive aspects of this school is to combine this training with a visit of an industrial site EURECAT related to the activation and regeneration of heterogeneous catalysts.



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