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Daoming Sun


  • Surface Functionalization & Characterization
  • Metallic Nanaoparticles Synthesis & Characterization
  • Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance Biosensors
  • Silica Coatings


  • UV-vis spectroscopy 
  • QCM-D 
  • IR 
  • TEM
  • SEM 
  • XPS 
  • Raman 

PhD Subject 

Tunable Plasmonic Substrates for LSPR Biosensing


LSPR biosensors can be used to monitor the biological interactions either by monitoring LSPR band shift upon target adsorption or by tuning the balance aggregation/dispersion of the nanoparticles. The translation of these events to planar surfaces has obvious advantages of sample handling and user-friendly read-out of the biological events.

In this project, we will follow the bottom-up approach. Starting from colloidal nanoparticles with various compositions. We will undertake a controlled assembly on planar substrates to achieve reliable nanostructured devices and engineer plasmonic substrates with a precise and mastered plasmonic signature. These nanostructured plasmonic platforms will be used for multiple applications starting with biosensing of toxins and water contaminants. The readout will be achieved using UV-Vis spectrometer with the aim of an application to smartphone readout.

Contact Informations

Mail(s) : daoming.sun@sorbonne-universite.fr

Function and attachment

PhD. candidate


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